Drying -
Place the dog on a grooming table or another large, flat, raised surface. The table height should be just above waist height and the table covered with an easily cleaned, non-slip surface. If you choose to use a grooming arm, place the dogs head through the loop and tighten it so that it is secure but not too tight. Some grooming arms have extensions that allow you to hold the haunches in an upright position thus not allowing the dog to sit or lay when you attempt to groom the rear end. If you wish to groom the dog while it is laying down then place the dog on their side and push the hair up and commence to dry from the bottom (the feet) up, layering as you go. Once the one side is done you have the dog turn over and do the other side and when both sides are finished the dog is misted with a coat grooming product and brushed through to add sheen. While the dog is laying on its side you may wish to cut the toe nails, clean the teeth and check the ears. Toe nails should be tipped a minimum of once every two weeks in order to keep them short. Teeth should be cleaned at least once a week with a dog tooth cleaning product, Not People Toothpaste
If your dog is standing during the drying and brushing process then start at the feet and work your way up. The heat setting on the dryer should not be more than 30 degrees Celsius. High heat will shrivel the hair and remove the protective oils from the coat and skin. Never put the dryer any closer than ten centimeters from the skin and avoid blowing directly into the eye and ear cavities. If you have a dark dog and have trouble seeing under the dog, a light table can be purchased or made. This will shine fluorescent light up and allow you to see what you are doing. A professional stand or cage dryer frees up both hands and allows you to layer while you brush. A normal people hand hair dryer will do but is not designed to withstand the prolonged usage (1 - 2 hours). Direct the air flow at the area you are drying and brush downward. Again, start at the bottom and work up. This way you will be removing mattes and knots as you encounter them and removing them with the least amount of resistance. If you start at the top you will drag the brush/comb all the way through the coat and cause larger mattes and increase hair breakage. Keep your wrist locked, Do Not Snap Your Wrist At The Bottom Of The Stroke. This breaks off the hair at the bottom and your wonderful mountain type coat will look like a desert coat (bald pasterns). If you find the hair is drying faster than you are brushing, mist the area you are working on. Never Brush The Coat Dry.
Once you have finished brushing and drying the coat use a Greyhound comb and remove all the small hair balls in the coat. Again ensure the coat is damp while doing this to reduce hair loss. Remember we all have fun trying to dry those Afghan feet. If your dog dances when you attempt to dry its feet, put one foot on your shoulder and lift upward to ensure that he/she doesn't just remove it and work on the foot that is on the table. This is supposed to be an enjoyable time for the dog, take the time and have the patience to make it so. We all loose our composure at on time or another. Think Of Your Friend, The Dog.
Grooming Tools - You will need the following items:
Feeding -
Your pet eats four times a day and as she/he gets older, reduce to one or two meals a day. The feeding schedule is built around your schedule but also provide the opportunity for the puppy to have at least four hours between meals. One cup of dry food mixed with a quarter of a small can of Pal moist food in the morning and evening will prove to be sufficient for your growing pup. The other two meals could consist of a few dog biscuits and some pabulum (rice is best). Keep your puppy nicely rounded but not overweight. Remember, they grow rapidly and nutritional needs change as the puppy grows. The use of vitamins and other supplements with a quality dog food may reduce the nutritional value or nullify the benefits of the vitamins in the dog food. This does not mean that the veterinarian can not prescribe certain vitamins to ensure a strong healthy pup. Feeding people food usually only shortens the life of your pet. Dog food is developed to ensure the nutritional needs of your pet. People food is prepared by whim and has nothing to do with nutritional value in many cases When your dog reaches a year or year and one half in age, he/she requires a change in food. The growing process slows and he/she requires less protein and fat. Too much protein can be just as harmful as not enough. Change your pet over to an adult dog food after one year of age or advice from your veterinarian. You may now feed once or twice a day and normally three cups of dry food per day will prove sufficient. The method of feeding depends on your dog. Some dogs will eat everything in their bowl immediately or pick at the food as the mood hits. By giving meals at a certain time of day the animal gets into a routine that is very upsetting if you miss "Feeding Time". The other method of feeding is "Free Choice". This method allows you to set out food for the day and allow the dog to eat when it wishes. The method of feeding depends on the dog, you must select which is best for him/her and you.
A word of caution: because the Afghan is a deep-cheated dog with a high tuck of stomach, it is always a good idea to soak their meal in a bit of water a few minutes before feeding. This helps begin the breakdown of the food and lessens the chance of bloat. Do not allow your dog to exercise vigorously before or immediately after eating. Allow at least one hour after eating before any type of vigorous exercise and do not let the dog drink large quantities of water. Ice water is a definite no-no, even on hot days. Remember these points and follow a plan that proves best for you and your friend. Remember that a pups needs are different from those of your adult dog.
Morbidity and Health Concerns
Major health issues are allergies, and cancer. Sensitivity to anesthesia is an issue the Afghan hound shares with the rest of the sighthound group, as sighthounds have relatively low levels of body fat. Afghan hounds are also among the dog breeds most likely to develop chylothorax, a rare condition which causes the thoracic ducts to leak, allowing large quantities of chyle fluid to enter the dog's chest cavity. This condition commonly results in a lung torsion (in which the dog's lung twists within the chest cavity, requiring emergency surgery), due to the breed's typically deep, "barrel"-shaped chest. If not corrected through surgery, chylothorax can ultimately causing fibrosing pleuritis, or a hardening of the organs, due to scar tissue forming around the organs to protect them from the chyle fluid. Chylothorax is not necessarily, but often fatal.
Afghan Hounds in UK surveys had a median lifespan of about 12 years, which is similar to other breeds of their size. In a 2004 UK Kennel Club survey, the most common causes of death were cancer (31%), old age (20%), cardiac (10.5%), and urologic (5%).
Afghan Hound Breed Standard
General Appearance
The head is of good length, showing much refinement, the skull evenly balanced with the foreface. There is a slight prominence of the n
asal bone structure causing a slightly Roman appearance, the center line running up over the foreface with little or no stop, falling away in front of the eyes so there is an absolutely clear outlook with no interference; the underjaw showing great strength, the jaws long and punishing; the mouth level, meaning that the teeth from the upper jaw and lower jaw match evenly, neither overshot nor undershot. This is a difficult mouth to breed. A scissors bite is even more punishing and can be more easily bred into a dog than a level mouth, and a dog having a scissors bite, where the lower teeth slip inside and rest against the teeth of the upper jaw, should not be penalized. The occipital bone is very prominent. The head is surmounted by a topknot of long silky hair. Ears--The ears are long, set approximately on level with outer corners of the eyes, the leather of the ear reaching nearly to the end of the dog's nose, and covered with long silky hair. Eyes--The eyes are almond-shaped (almost triangular), never full or bulgy, and are dark in color. Nose--Nose is of good size, black in color. Faults--Coarseness; snipiness; overshot or undershot; eyes round or bulgy or light in color; exaggerated Roman nose; head not surmounted with topknot.
The neck is of good length, strong and arched, running in a curve to the shoulders which are long and sloping and well laid back. Faults--Neck too short or too thick; a ewe neck; a goose neck; a neck lacking in substance.
The back line appearing practically level from the shoulders to the loin. Strong and powerful loin and slightly arched, falling away toward the stern, with the hipbones very pronounced; well ribbed and tucked up in flanks. The height at the shoulders equals the distance from the chest to the buttocks; the brisket well let down, and of medium width. Faults--Roach back, swayback, goose rump, slack loin; lack of prominence of hipbones; too much width of brisket, causing interference with elbows.
Tail set not too high on the body, having a ring, or a curve on the end; should never be curled over, or rest on the back, or be carried sideways; and should never be bushy.
Forelegs are straight and strong with great length between elbow and pastern; elbows well held in; forefeet large in both length and width; toes well arched; feet covered with long thick hair; fine in texture; pasterns long and straight; pads of feet unusually large and well down on the ground. Shoulders have plenty of angulation so that the legs are well set underneath the dog. Too much straightness of shoulder causes the dog to break down in the pasterns, and this is a serious fault. All four feet of the Afghan Hound are in line with the body, turning neither in nor out. The hind feet are broad and of good length; the toes arched, and covered with long thick hair; hindquarters powerful and well muscled, with great length between hip and hock; hocks are well let down; good angulation of both stifle and hock; slightly bowed from hock to crotch. Faults--Front or back feet thrown outward or inward; pads of feet not thick enough; or feet too small; or any other evidence of weakness in feet; weak or broken down pasterns; too straight in stifle; too long in hock.
Hindquarters, flanks, ribs, forequarters, and legs well covered with thick, silky hair, very fine in texture; ears and all four feet well feathered; from in front of the shoulders; and also backwards from the shoulders along the saddle from the flanks and the ribs upwards, the hair is short and close, forming a smooth back in mature dogs - this is a traditional characteristic of the Afghan Hound. The Afghan Hound should be shown in its natural state; the coat is not clipped or trimmed; the head is surmounted (in the full sense of the word) with a topknot of long, silky hair - that is also an outstanding characteristic of the Afghan Hound. Showing of short hair on cuffs on either front or back legs is permissible. Fault--Lack of shorthaired saddle in mature dogs.
Dogs, 27 inches, plus or minus one inch; bitches, 25 inches, plus or minus one inch.
Dogs, about 60 pounds; bitches, about 50 pounds.
All colors are permissible, but color or color combinations are pleasing; white markings, especially on the head, are undesirable.
When running free, the Afghan Hound moves at a gallop, showing great elasticity and spring in his smooth, powerful stride. When on a loose lead, the Afghan can trot at a fast pace; stepping along, he has the appearance of placing the hind feet directly in the foot prints of the front feet, both thrown straight ahead. Moving with head and tail high, the whole appearance of the Afghan Hound is one of great style and beauty.
An Ancient Breed - Origins Lost In the Mist of Time?It was near Jebel Musa or the Mountains of Moses, on the peninsula called Sinia, between the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba, that the breed known as the Afghan Hound first became a recognized type of dog. This place, long held sacred by Hebrew and Christian alike, was part of ancient Egypt when the Afghan Hound's existence was first mentioned on a papyrus.
The document, which forms the cornerstone of the history of the Afghan Hound, is from the period 3000 TO 4000 BC, and mentions the dog so often that there is little doubt of the afghans existence at this time. According to Major Blackstone, an English authority on the Quities who made the translation, the Afghan called"Cynocephalus".,which literally translates as baboon or freely translates as monkey-faced hound. This is the meaning that Major Blackstone ascribes to it, for illustrations of the dog found on the tombs of the time offer convincing proof that even then, the Afghan Hound's head was suggestive of the baboon.
The Afghan Hound was the subject of mention in a valuable document of the times. This is tantamount to saying that he was accepted by royalty and his value as a hunting dog of rare ability was renowned. Development must have progressed systematically under the desert sheiks and although they left no stud books, there can be little doubt of the purity of his line for several thousand years. At first, it probably was a matter of selective breeding, breeding that was as successful as its modern, scientific counterpart.
The tombs on which the Afghan appears are in the Valley of the Nile. So it is inferred that, the hound, arrived in the entourage of a sheik or as a regal present to Memphis. His first appearance at the palace must have occasioned a stir and there is no doubt that an Egyptian princess claimed him as her pet and applied to him the nickname, "Monkey Face"
Considering the turbulent history of Egypt and the nature of the Afghan Hound it is not unusual that the archeologists could not find any trace of the dog itself when they unearthed the evidence that it had existed in Egypt and came from the Sinai. He is not a dog that would have prospered in urban surroundings, only the royal and the wealthy in a land such as Egypt could have maintained him.
Afghanistan. Just when the breed became established in the hill country of the northern part of Afghanistan may remain a mystery for a long time. The question why no trace of the Hound were found in Arabia or Persia, across which it would have to travel, may never be answered
While the Egyptian origin of the breed is well founded, there is little doubt that Afghanistan had made the greatest contributions to the development of the breed. Bred in mountainous terrain and living throughout the ages at high elevations where the winters are especially severe, the Afghan Hound has defied any change in its distinguishing characteristics. Its coat is of fine textured, thick, silky hair that stands off the body. The hindquarters, flanks, ribs and forequarters are well covered and the pendulous ears and the four legs are well feathered. The hair on the legs is full on the sides and extends right down to the feet. The Afghan Hound also has a topknot of silky, long hair.
While the tail is set low, the tail carriage is high. The high tail carriage emphasized in Afghanistan as the hounds hunt so much in thickets that it is only by watching the tails that the movement of the dogs is detectable. Another distinguishing point of the Afghan is the assembly of the hip bones. These are considerably higher than on the ordinary dog and set much wider apart. These unique hip bones make it possible for the Afghan to negotiate hilly country and uneven ground with ease and give him a motion like that of a monkey. Built in this manner, he turns easily and gets tremendous power into his leaps.
The Afghan hunts by sight and while he possess great speed, he is not as fast on the flat as other hound varieties. Yet, the Afghan knows no equal as a hurdle racer. Used for countless centuries in a country where leaping over obstacles was even more essential than speed, he has developed this specialty to the ultimate degree. Another heritage he brings to his new abodes in Europe and America is the ability to withstand any temperature - either heat or cold. Summers in Afghanistan are terrifically hot and winters severely cold.
The American Kennel Club describe the Afghan Hound as an aristocrat. "His whole appearance is one of dignity and aloofness with no trace of plainness or coarseness. He has a straight front, proudly carried head, eyes gazing into the distance as if in memory of ages past. The striking characteristics of the breed-exotic, or "Eastern," expression, long silky topknot, peculiar coat pattern, very prominent hipbones, large feet, and the impression of a somewhat exaggerated bend in the stifle due to profuse trouserings-stand out clearly, giving the Afghan Hound the appearance of what he is, a king of dogs, that has held true to tradition throughout the ages".
Descriptions of the Afghan Hound can be difficult unless you live with them, butDigitalDog website makes an excellent description in plain language and few words:
"The drama of the Afghan Hound would seem unlikely in a world of Labradors and Beagles, and then, you go to a show or a park and meet your first Afghan. Rather like the beautiful girl at school that everyone presumes is snobbish but is instead a bit gentle and shy, the Afghan reserves its happy abandon, total devotion and exuberance for those it knows best. This is not to say that the Afghan is a retiring competitor in Agility or Lure Coursing, indeed, the cloud of hair as they partly sail and partly fly at a full run defies honest description. The most heavily coated of the sighthounds, the Afghan is an ancient breed who's cousins still populate the desert areas striving to earn their keep in a changing world. Imported to the US in 1926, the Afghan quickly earned a place here, where its fanciers are quick to note that the dog is intelligent, perhaps too intelligent to be bribed for a bit of a treat and too aloof to work for someone who lacks sincerity and true enthusiasm for the task. To live and train an Afghan Hound requires respect for a strong minded individual who is happily a teammate but never a forced participant".
A Look Back The Afghan hound was discovered by the Western World in Afghanistan and surrounding regions during the 19th century. As the breed developed in Afghanistan, two distinct types evolved from the southern and western desert regions and the northern regions. During WWI, the breed literally disappeared in the Western world. The start of the Afghan Hounds we have today dates back to 1920, when a group of them was brought to Scotland. Right Breed for You? Known for being aloof, dignified, and for having a highly individualized personality, Afghan Hounds are prized and loved by their owners as companions and members of their family. However, it is important to take into account that their coat requires regular grooming, and their larger size necessitates regular exercise.
Referred to as an aristocrat, the Afghan Hound’s appearance is one of dignity and aloofness. Well covered with thick, silky hair, very fine in texture, the Afghan hound’s coat is a sort found among animals native to high altitudes. They can come in all colors, and while the breed is an excellent hound (hunting by sight) its popularity here has been generated by the breeds’ spectacular qualities as a show dog.
No other breed of dog can claim such exotic beauty and elegance as the Afghan Hound of today.